CloudCrowd pays you to complete a number of tasks including:
- looking for email addresses and business profiles
- data entry jobs
- editing and reviewing content
- translation work (usually German/French/Chinese to English and vice versa)
- writing summaries
Payments are made every business weekday via Paypal.
CloudCrowd doesn't work on a *Mac. You will need a PC (Windows platform).
You will also need a Facebook Account.
If you plan on doing any editing, writing, reviewing (and, I think, translation), you will also need Editor (Such as Microsoft Word, Online Editors).
Credential Tests...
To do most tasks, you must first complete and pass a test (known as a Credential Test).
You can only take a particular credential/translator test for LIMITED times.
Pay-rate variance...
The pay isn't always the same on CloudCrowd; sometimes it changes every few days or so - it can go up or down.
Task availability...
Tasks and credential tests aren't always available. To know when they become available, you can either make frequent visits to the site or you can request that you be informed when they do become available.
Task checking...
Often, when you complete and submit a task, someone will look over your work to make sure you've done it properly. If you ever submit a task and its status is 'Awaiting Approval', then that's what's happening there.
Other times, when you submit a task, it's automatically approved. However, a reviewer can still go back and check it.
Upon checking, if he/she thinks you haven't done it well, your task will be rejected, you lose some *credibility (explained below) and you won't get paid for it.
If you feel it should have been approved, you can appeal it (exception: you can't appeal a credential test). The appeal process can take some time and you're only allowed to appeal one task at a time.
What this means is how well you do each task. The credibility level starts from 30, I believe, and goes up to 100. The more tasks you do correctly, the more your credibility creeps up. However, if you do one task wrong, it can go down pretty quickly, so be careful. If it gets to a certain low, you can be put on probation. You can still do tasks, but it means that you're being monitored more closely until your tasks prove you're doing the job properly.
Credibility loss and probation periods happen to CloudCrowd workers frequently, so don't be too alarmed if it happens to you. Just be careful and do the job as thoroughly and attentively as you can.
Your credibility is important because it can often determine the tasks you're entitled to do. Also, if you dip to a certain level (beyond probation level), you can get suspended. It doesn't happen to a lot of people, but it has happened. If you read the rules thoroughly, make sure you understand what you're required to do, read the support forum and ask questions if you don't understand something, then you should be OK.
Some pointers...
- just to make it clear, you don't earn with Facebook, you earn with CloudCrowd. However, you need a Facebook account to join CloudCrowd as its application is Facebook-based.
- you need a VERIFIED Paypal account to receive payments from CloudCrowd
- before attempting your first task or taking a test, read CloudCrowd's rules as thoroughly as you can as well as the support forum.
- keep your credibility level healthy
- your tasks are checked by other CloudCrowd members. Who does it depends on their credential and credibility
- though CloudCrowd standards are quite high, rejections have been known to be wrong. If you're adamant your task shouldn't have been rejected, appeal it.
My Experience with CloudCrowd...
I recently joined CloudCrowd, and I found that its really a fruitful choice for making real extra income/online income.
But as I am an engineering Student I dont have much time to do such a lengthy task to make an, I didnt give much time to this.For those you really want to make money online for doing a real jobs. Its a great application for them.
If you see tasks on there that you feel you're skilled to do, try taking the test. The worst that could happen is that you don't get in. That's it.
If you have any questions, I don't consider myself to be a CloudCrowd guru, but I'm willing to help if I can with what I know. However, your first port of call should be the support forum.
Good luck...
If you plan on joining CloudCrowd, good luck. It's a site that's still in beta so it's not without its faults, but it has potential.
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